Row crops

Biocontrol and Biostimulation for Field Crops

Agricultural practices need to evolve towards sustainability to face the challenges of population increase while preserving environmental resources. Ensuring high yields while reducing chemical inputs brings the necessity of finding alternatives in terms of crop nutrition and protection. This evolution of practices is possible thanks to the integration of microorganisms in today’s technical practices. These new strategies take into account societal and environmental expectations while maintaining a performant agriculture, less dependent of chemical inputs.

Reducing chemical inputs with biocontrol products

Higher yields demand a precise follow-up of crops (decision making tools, vegetal health bulletins) in terms of fertilization and phytosanitary treatments. The usage of biocontrol products in association or as substitutes to chemical products is emerging.

Yeast based products are currently being integrated in crop protection programs for critical stages like : flowering, ripening, pod settings. These alternative solutions are under development for the major uses, like wheat septoria or soybean Asian rust, allowing to slowdown the emergence of resistances.

Biostimulants : a tool to secure crop yields

By stimulating field crops at key stages of their development, products derived from microorganisms can increase the yield. The plants and the microorganisms act in synergy at the rhizosphere level to optimize the utilization of available resources in soil. Biostimulants rich in amino acids and fermentation metabolites secure the flowering in abiotic stress conditions and help the migration of reserves to the seeds.

Benefits of microorganisms derived biostimulants on field cultures :

– Soybean: hydric stress resistance and abortion reduction

– Corn: starter effect and improved fertilization

– Wheat: increased protein rates and yields, resistance to heat stress at flowering

Discover Smartfoil®, Agrauxine’s biostimulant developed for field cultures


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